Thursday 9 April 2009

The Victorian Era: Victorian Vogue

Hurrah for women's fashion throughout the Victorian era!  Beauty was attributed much more to the natural curve of the human body in this era-  highlighting a slim waist and a rounder bottom was the female priority: it was feminine, sensual and defined their status in society.  Fabrics were imported from foreign lands- this was a luxury at the hand of trade with colonies.  Fashion was enjoyable: for the upper class.
Mens fashion- it's all about the neck scarf, let's face it.  The mens trouser became looser than that of the romantic period: waist coats had fewer buttons and were more fitted, and the shape of the tail coat was altered.  Colours varied, depending on class.  For the lower classes: the factory workers and such, fashion was not important.  Clothes would get dirty in the workhouse and should be light, as the work was hard and manual.

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